Monday, February 19, 2007

Unsatisfied Without You

I'm lost without you Lord
I search for desires that are never satisfied
I have love but feel so unloved
You give me what I need but I want more
My heart aches for flesh
And my desires are a mess
I know you can give me all I need
But why do I choose this love of greed
Everyone takes and I feel left behind
Only when it's others time am i fine
I will choose you first and not the worlds
For you are my strength among all
Why did you give me the people i have
I am distracted by relations that i can not grasp
I know there's a purpose for all things
Please reveal your will to me this day
Love is within me so overpowering
I feel like I'm trapped in a bottle
Braking into pieces my heart is so fragile
So I wait for your timing Lord
For your will to be done
In my life of unhappiness you will surly come
Unsatisfied without you that's what I've become
So I open my eyes to you,in the Light of your SON

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