Friday, April 13, 2007

In the Hand of God

Dreams about Jesus are so wonderful.......Here is one I was blessed by that I wanted to share with you.

I was on a very tall building, like a sky scraper. I remember there were alot of people around socializing. I was on the roof of this tall building sitting on a chair that had wheels. My chair was on top of some sort of box. There was a lady next to me that kept moving. Making my chair slip a little bit at a time off the box. The roof I was on was the width of the box I was sitting on, so I knew if I moved in anyway I would fall to my death. The lady next to me kept moving around, I remember being scared and frustrated, wanting this women to stop moving because my chair was slipping off this box. All of a sudden she moved once more and I fell. I was falling very fast and it seemed as if I was heavy, which was causing me to fall faster. My heart felt like it was going to explode, my stomach had that awful falling feeling. Suddenly a little more than half of the fall from the length of the building I called upon God saying "Jesus Christ". With much confidence. Knowing when I called out to "Jesus Christ" that I had a sense that I should have done this the moment I fell so I wouldn't have to bear it this long. As soon as I called upon God I felt his hand under my entire body, He was holding me in His hand. It was as if I was floating down with so much peace and security slowly. My father was carrying me in the palm of His hand...Suddenly I stopped a few inches from the ground but was not touching the ground, there was people around but they did not see God's hand holding me. Everyone looked as if I was just floating in mid air....They stood around and marveled as I lay there in the Hand of My God Jesus Christ..................


Jim Swindle said...

Thanks for sharing your dream. It reminds me of Craig Hopton's poem at

Kerry Hancock Jr said...

Thank You Jesus for sharing your love with us in ways that are beyond our imagination. You are so blessed Christina to get dreams like this when you sleep. Jesus Christ is the rock that you build your house upon!

RP Tesoro said...

Amen! The Lord just affirms once again that no matter what happens, just put complete trust in Him.

Even though we are faced with difficult situations (w/c we think has no solutions) we just need to believe and simply have faith in the Lord. He has always been with us all the time.

For God nothing is impossible

x said...

Thanks for sharing this. :) I had a dream about Jesus too, and coincidentally, it happened after I started with HOH. :) --- I dreamt of fishes. In my heart I take that symbol to mean as Jesus and Christianity :) -

bryboy said...

It only goes to show that despite trials we encounter everyday; God will always have the option to push us to the limit and test our faith. We may fight back if we want to but leaving it up to the Lord to decide our fate is something that tests how much we do believe in Him.

Everyday we fall in most of the things we do. These setbacks can be painful, but despite encountering them, we manage to stand up and get our feet back on the ground. Why? Well for one, we should remember, God is always around for us through thick and thin, and this includes times where we may not even acknowledge His presence due to our lack of faith. He will always be there at anytime and any place. said...

I want to thank you for sharing this dream to us, it reminds me to be thankful to our Lord for all the trials that He allows to happen in my life, which serves to reveal His love and power and miracles to me and also to others looking on.

Lord, thank You that I can move into the future non defensively with my hands outstretched to whatever lies ahead, for ONLY You hold the future, and will always be with me and through all eternity.

"I will be your God throughout your lifetime- until your hair is white with age. I made you , and I will care for you. I will CARRY you along and SAVE you." Isaiah 46:4(NLT)